More Green...Less Procrastination

It's a new year.
I'm keeping my resolutions simple this year.
But I'm making them just the same. Doing my part to make this year better.
Last year had some sucky times...not everything was horrible...
but still, some parts just sucked.
I have the sneaking suspicion I'm not alone.
Ready for something new.

So this year...more green.
I kind of let my vegetable consumption dwindle in the last few months.
I need to eat more green.

and...less procrastination.
I work very hard to not overbook myself or my schedule.
However, that means my life has margins and things can get shuffled aside for...
and then this happens:

It looks much better now...but I needed photographic evidence
that I'm not always as organized as I can seem.

But with small steps...eating better...taking action...
I'm already enjoying the calm that can come from a clean kitchen,
decluttered desk, lighter body.
And I'm hoping your year is starting fresh too as we
ring in the new year with health and peace.
