I'm turning 29 in two months.
I'm trying not to freak out and feel like an old lady.
I'm trying not to point out every spider vein and thigh dimple to my husband
(any more...he's getting annoyed.)
Trying not to think about how many kids my mother had when she was my age.
So instead, I'm going to look to the positive aspects of my age. Like, feeling more comfortable in my skin. People have always told me I'm mature for my age, but I really think that's a nice way of saying I was a people pleaser who was NOT a drama queen. (thus setting me apart from most of my other 23 year old co-workers). I really didn't have maturity down, didn't know what I liked.
I still don't have it all figured out. But I've got more of a handle on it that I did fresh out of college. I know that I don't like hair products, and prefer to let my hair air-dry. I know that I love Neutrogena Products, and good shoes. I know that I am more of an introvert than I used to be, and more of an indoor girl than I was trying to be when my husband met me. I know that I'm happiest when I am barefoot, singing, in my kitchen. I'm better at confrontation and saying, "No," to things. And I have a clearer vision of what I like, my style.
So this week, I'm celebrating that style I've nestled into over these past 29 years. Sharing glimpses of what make me happy and comfortable in this life.
I like these girls' style, maybe you do to?