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- essential items include a book and 500 mg. of tylenol
- leave your explosives, large belt buckles, and tape measures at home
- if you deliberate over dinner time...they order pizza for you...they choose the toppings
- if you speak out during jury selection the lawyers approach the bench and then the judge tells you that you can go home.
- if you speak when spoken to-they make you stay.
- when the judge starts the day with, "This is actually my first trial with a jury...." you know it's going to be a long day.
- When the Bailiff says...this is the second criminal trial we've had in this court since's going to be an even longer day.
- long deliberation: when the other five jurors come to an opposite conclusion than you
- "reasonable doubt" does not mean no doubt at all...just enough doubt that a reasonable person would come to.
- It makes it hard to come to any solid conclusions when the three witness give three contradicting accounts.
- 5:30 a.m. is not a pretty time for me...ask Nathan
- If you're reading "A Prayer for Owen Meany" and are finding similarities with the movie "Simon Birch" it's because the ARE the same. different name.
- Don't look at evidence pictures from the emergency room while eating meat lover's pizza...just don't.
- If someone attacks you in your trailer away and call the police...don't attack the dude with a metal pipe repeatedly and then hide the pipe under your sofa. It will save six people a lot of time and the State of Indiana $40.00 per juror.
someday, if i'm ever chosen, i will remember these tips.