When a patient is a 27 year old female, please don't assume she has a high tolerance for chemicals in her body.
Believe her when she says she's only had one alcoholic drink in her life (and that she THOUGHT it was sparking cider, not champagne).
Don't give her the regular dose of anesthesia.
She's telling the truth.
And if you dope her up like all the other party girl 27 year olds...
She will regain consciousness stoned out of her mind.
She will think everything is HILARIOUS and laugh like a drunk pig.
(or at least what I think a drunk pig would sound like)
She will laugh,
You will laugh at her,
The nurses will laugh at the doctor laughing at the stoner...
And then she will go home and eat a bowl full of Frosted Flakes.
Believe her when she says she's only had one alcoholic drink in her life (and that she THOUGHT it was sparking cider, not champagne).
Don't give her the regular dose of anesthesia.
She's telling the truth.
And if you dope her up like all the other party girl 27 year olds...
She will regain consciousness stoned out of her mind.
She will think everything is HILARIOUS and laugh like a drunk pig.
(or at least what I think a drunk pig would sound like)
She will laugh,
You will laugh at her,
The nurses will laugh at the doctor laughing at the stoner...
And then she will go home and eat a bowl full of Frosted Flakes.