So I met a man with these eyes. Picture this face with elbow-length crimped hair and blunt cut bangs....and then you get the idea of the guy that I spent most of the weekend with. Sort of Gollum meets Twisted Sister.
Not only did he have the creepiest eyes I have truly ever seen ( and I think I have earned a pretty high freak-out tolerance), he was wearing a hospital gown and white tights....I don't know why. Oh, and he was really religiously preoccupied. REALLY. Between outbursts of "Jesus Saves!" he kept trying to cast the demons out of half of the patients and telling the other half that they were doomed to "spend eternity in the pit." This did not go over well.
Granted it was a pretty stressful weekend and the patients that weren't trying to hurt themselves or the staff...well one said to me "dude....this is better than Springer"...sigh.
And in the middle of the fray....the man with the Gollum eyes.
picture it...
Stands in the middle of the day room, stretches his arms wide and shouts "All who wish to be saved...FOLLOW ME!"
Pivots to the right and stops....arms outstretched.
He didn't get very far.
It's hard to save people when you've gotten yourself all locked up.