A Baby Shouldn't Have a Job

Babies shouldn't have jobs.

They arrive in this world, screaming.
To sleep, to eat, to cry..and hopefully they learn to trust
that the big people in their life
have their best interest at heart
and will bring good things
when the make their tiny voices heard.

That's all.

A Baby can't heal a hurting marriage.
He/she can't bring worth to someone struggling to find an identity.
A Baby won't make the pain of infertility magically disappear.

Because he/she was never meant to. Babies aren't supposed to have jobs.

Of course, our personal journey to creating a family came through the fire of infertility.
But that is a separate piece from adoption.
We will always have scars, we will always be infertile.
But that is separate.
Healing that pain and walking through that grief is OUR job.
As we let all that go, our arms are free to embrace what is.

And I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be better than we can even imagine.
As long as we make sure our baby doesn't have a job.
