Beyond the Palin

First of all, I stayed up much past my bedtime to watch Sarah Palin accept the republican nomination for VP. And I like her. Even with her jabs at Obama.

Second of all, I came to work today to find my supervisor wearing an Obama t-shirt. (You know the kind with his stylized portrait reminiscent of 1930's Hitler propaganda...I know...offensive, but true). Anyway, this lead to our entire company picnic conversation revolving around politics...groan.

And the one thing that these working women kept bringing up was Palin's worth as a mother. They faulted her because her teenage daughter was pregnant and she has a special needs child at home. Honestly, their arguments just infuriated me. THESE WERE FROM LIBERAL WORKING SINGLE MOTHERS!! And they had the audacity to fling such antiquated prejudicial barbs.

So I did what my mother taught me to do...I said nothing nice...I said nothing at all. And we went on to focus on the peanut butter cookies and the tricycle races. Oh, and the tow-truck that arrived mid-picnic to repo a co-worker's jeep....awkward.

And I'm taking to heart what it says in Titus 3:1-2
"Remind the believers to submit to the government and its officers. They should be obedient, always ready to do what is good. They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone."

The "they" mentioned here in the article is not the government and its officers. Though I would like to think it should. I'm so sick of negative campaigning I could scream...and I do on the television set. Anyway, despite my 'druthers, the verses here are clearly pointed toward the believers. Us, we, you and I are the subject of these directives.

I should be obedient. I should always be ready to do what is good. I must not slander anyone. I must avoid quarreling. I must be gentle and show true humility to everyone.

Yikes! So, as much fun as it would be to show up tomorrow in a "NO Bama" shirt, I guess I lay low around here. Not just to avoid disgruntled co-workers, but because I believe that His Word is truth and that His higher authority has relevance and purpose in my little everyday life.

And I guess I'll try to spend more time praying for our government and its leaders and less time arguing with those around me.
