Matthew 25:40
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
This verse came up in a conversation Nathan and I were having about my job. I was voicing thoughts along the line of "what eternal effect am I making with the people I treat?" Staffing has been stingy, so I spend around 7 and 1/2 hours meeting their basic needs and making sure they are "safe" and only around 30 minutes actually talking to them, using my degree. Then Nathan brought up Matthew 25 and said "Whatever you do with your patients, you are doing for Jesus, making a difference even if they don't know it."
So I thought about it...no foot washing, but over the course of the weekend here's what I did:
-I brushed Jesus's hair
-I helped Jesus make his bed
-I came up with a list of coping skills for Jesus
-I called Jesus's mom for him
-I spoon-fed Jesus mashed potatoes and peas
-I put drops in Jesus's eyes
-I helped Jesus shave his beard
-I held Jesus's hand when he was having thoughts of hurting himself
-I washed Jesus's clothes for him
-I wiped Jesus's butt
now I have just lost all the jewels in my crown in heaven for blogging about these....oh well.