This article might get me uninvited to Sunday dinner with the fam.
or "Booed" at church...again
I'll risk it...
As Nathan and I were weighing different aspects of our next place to live we considered things like job availability, cost of living, proximity to family and friends. Perhaps we should have given a little more thought to the sports team of the city we would be moving to. You see, Nathan grew up in New England. He's a New England Patriots, Boston Celtics, and Red Sox fan. And he comes by it honestly.
Yes, we were aware that the Colts were from Indianapolis and that we were moving to Indianapolis. We realized that Hoosiers strongly supported their hometown team. We were aware that there was a "little" rivalry between these two teams.
We were not prepared for the demonization of all things New England here in the heartland.
Now let me say that I have nothing but total respect for Tony Dungy the man. I feel he has done an amazing job, not only as a Super-Bowl winning coach, but in his balance of Christian Witness and Moral Role-Model. He is using the platform that he has earned to share his personal faith and to make a positive influence on the world around him. I do take issue with the assumption that Jesus must like the Colts the best.
I have had many conversations with Colts fans who use blanket terms to suggest that the Colts organization and Tony Dungy's faith system are one in the same. Many people term the Colts as "the good guys," "God's team." And likewise the Patriots have been called "the Evil Empire,"and "The Axis of Evil." The party lines are clear in a lot of people's minds. The Colts are a Christian team and must be God's favorite. Not true. Here is a statement issued by the Colts Organization in 2007:
"The Colts do not endorse any political or religious position taken by any group that any Colts employee decides to speak or lend his or her name to."
There are many wonderful Christians on the Colts....and there are probably some real jerks too. There are some nasty people who play for the Patriots, but there are also some amazing people living out their faith in God *gasp* wearing blue and red on Sunday.
"I am looking to serve God today and do my best each day by using his power to make the most of every opportunity I get. Success to the world right now is my going out and catching footballs. But success to God is my going out and doing the absolute best I can do every day , having a good relationship with Him , and being obedient"-Kyle Brady, New England Patriot
I also want to say that we, as Patriots fans, enjoy a little ribbing now and then. I think Nathan even brings it on himself. It's an easy ice breaker and he is now known as THE Patriots fan at Fall Creek Wesleyan. So don't feel that this post is a banner to "Back Off Colts Fans." No, feel free to talk smack next season. However, tred lightly on the God stuff.
I feel that we, as Christians, are too quick to polarize the world. Many Christians aspouse the "us vs. them" mentality in everything. We can get caught up in labeling everything as "Christian" or not. We can vote for the candate soley on their personal faith instead of public matters of politics. We choose the plumber with the Christian fish in his yellow pages ad. We listen to the musician that thanks God when she won a Grammy. And we can cheer on the sports team based only on the faith that a few members own.
I think the same Jesus who laughed with little children, celebrated at a wedding feast, and was called a "friend of sinners" would cheer the loudest if he were to show up at our Super Bowl parties. I'm just not sure which team He would cheer for.