I have not posted in quite a while...I know. But instead of posting my random thoughts on the internet here's what I've been doing...internally processing my purpose in life and a lot of baking. Basically it comes down to deadlines. Deadline to apply for MSW grad school,:Jan 18th. Date that Jenny hit maximum burnout with the helping profession: Dec. 14th. So instead of committing thousands and thousands of dollars and a year and a half of hard core full time study (and practicum hours)...I've been entertaining other possible career choices...here are the top three as they stand now 1) baker/small business owner 2) Secondary English Teacher (through IWU's Transition to Teaching) 3) Interior Decorator
While this may seem like a grande departure from Mental Health Social Work, these creative pursuits make sense if you could see my personality profiles. All the way through college my psychology tests told me that I should be either a rabbi, priest, florist, or cake decorator. ie: "Jenny you should either help people or make stuff." I have done the helping people part for the past three years, and for the time being, I am getting pretty tired of helping people through the worst days of their lives. Dealing with crisis everyday, seeing the ugliness and brokeness of life, and being yelled at/ confronting people is starting to take its toll on my spirit. I always thought that I would be in social work for a season of my life. While I may return to this work sometime in the future, I feel that it is time for a new season of my professional life.
If I could read books for a living, that would be awesome.
Oh, and any and all suggestions for a career will be considered.